Posting opinions, letters and correspondence from far and wide. Even some to/from my elected representatives.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Nuclear is for Western Democracies ONLY!

Any dealings that the West has with Iran must be based upon the fact that Iran is a religious dictatorship that has little to no respect for individual human rights, property rights as well as freedom of religion nor freedom of the press. Nations that do not respect these rights should never be permitted to possess the tools needed to develop Nuclear weapons and those tools would include Nuclear power stations. If you're not a real democracy then you don't get to go Nuclear. Why? Because going Nuclear implies possessing the power to destroy hundreds of thousands of people and if you don't respect your own people then you can't be expected nor trusted to respect other humans in other Nations. In fact, we can and should expect that you will use your Nuclear arsenal as leverage to advance your lack of respect for Humanity. That is precisely why Iran would want to pursue Nuclear technology.

And this is why the current U.S. and E.U. methods for dealing with Iran and their pursuit of nuclear technology will not work, not now - not ever. Toying with the political words surrounding Nuclear technology itself is a waste of time. We need to use human rights issue to paint Iran into a corner where it must acknowledge and deal with its constant abuses of its own people. Presenting Iran the no Nuclear argument alone is easily refuted by the clever doublespeak of Iran 's leaders and brilliant photo shopped propaganda. The regime must be confronted with its major failings to its own people. Those failings are the ones that we consider to be Democracy's greatest achievements.

For example, I get to write my blog and not get imprisoned, tortured then beheaded. You get to read this without fear of your family being turned out of their home before you too are sent to a kangaroo court.

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