Posting opinions, letters and correspondence from far and wide. Even some to/from my elected representatives.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Look at this picture.

Before the US and allies invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein, this is exactly what I advocated setting off in the middle of the Persian Gulf. Give 48 hours notice to all shipping in the region to get out of the area. Then we would set off a nuclear weapon right there and let it be a warning to the middle east to sort itself out.

Now watching the Iraq war for a couple of years. Having intently watched as US soldiers have laid their lives down instead of using their own tax payer funded hitech superior weaponry to defend themselves. Having restrained ourselves, nay, twisted ourselves like pretzels to accomodate vicious, religious barbarians, I am reiterating my original position. Nuke 'em!

Sad to have to do it. Grave moral responsibility taken onboard. Illegal, of course. But ultimately, successful. And success is the sweet smell of victory.

When only just last week a 14 year old Iraqi boy was held down by four "insurgents" and summarily executed by beheading. His only crime being that he said admitted he was a Christian (and proudly too). When snipers are able to pick off our soldiers one by one. Or suicide murderers destroy groups of poor people at a city market who only want a job. Isn't it time that we just admitted that we need to get serious about destroying the enemy, accept the "collateral damage" and get the whole Islamic worlds attention with a nuclear detonation that kills at least 100,000, hopefully more. Hopefully, in the sense that the death of innocent, good people is horrible but those deaths MUST occur for the enemy to take notice and be defeated.

Take a look at that picture and imagine the stunned silence afterward. That is the silence heard when a nation, a religion and their rulers are forced to face a fundamental philosophical shift. We won, you lost. You're not going to succeed. Your mind set has failed you. We're right, you're wrong. Now, we tell you what you're going to do.

You either play nice in the world or we WILL destroy you.

The only alternative for us is to wait and let it to happen to us.

Nuke 'em! NOW!
On September 11, 2001 we paid a price for our apathy. Today is a day to remember those who lost their lives. However, today (9/11 - ed) is also a day to remember why we do what we are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan and what we may have to do in the months and years ahead.

This is not something that is just going to go away with a battle here or a battle there, or an arrest in London, Rome, or New York. No. This is going to take a major war. America and the rest of the world will have to wake up to that fact. The build-up of aggression and arms and Islamic fascism is extraordinarily similar to pre-WW2 Germany. We are in the opening stages of WW III. I hope I am wrong. But I doubt it. The cancer may have grown but we still have time to destroy IT before IT kills us.
What's the sense of sending $2 million missiles to hit a $10 tent that's empty? --George W. Bush, private Oval Office meeting, September 13, 2001

Take a moment and go to and watch the clip of the men, women, and children who died on September 11, 2001. Five years later and the pain and anger is still there. Watch the entire clip. You may have seen this already. But there is nothing like a reminder like this to put our lives into perspective. Over 100 men and women jumped from the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. A woman, 7 months pregnant, working in the World Trade Center jumped to her death on September 11, 2001 because of the intense flames and heat. That is a jump of 1200 feet. If you have skydived or were a paratrooper you know that falling from that height you have enough time to deploy your parachute and live. 3,200 children lost a parent on that day. Most people who died were men between the age of 30-45 years old. Most of these men had wives, children, a thriving career, and a mortgage payment. Sound familiar?

What happened on September 11, 2001 was a cancer growing while America was sleeping. In the 70's during the Carter Administration, American Embassy occupants in Iran were kidnapped for over a year. We did nothing. During the Reagan Administration, terrorists killed about 300 Marines in Lebanon. We did nothing. At the end of Ronald Reagan's presidency, Reagan admitted that this would come back and bite us in the butt. During George Bush's Senior Administration terrorists were growing and we did not complete the mission during Operation Desert Storm as we should have. During the Clinton Administration, he practically dismantled the Military, crippled the CIA, turned the FBI into his puppets, turned a blind eye to Somalia, the USS Cole, the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, and the twin bombing of the US embassies in Africa. We did nothing. We were all too busy making money and living as if in a cocoon during the 90's here in the USA.

On September 11, 2001 we paid a price for our apathy. Today is a day to remember those who lost their lives.